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THU. April 11, 2019
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#Dyson-Korean market
Dyson moving to win over Korean consumers as country grapples with fine dust: engineer
Dyson Ltd. hopes to win over South Korean consumers with its innovative air purifier products as the country tries to deal with air po... 17:53 Apr. 03-
#measles outbreak
Confirmed measles cases in S. Korea hit 129 this year
April 10 (Yonhap) – The number of measles cases confirmed in South Korea reached 129 this year amid outbreaks in other parts of the world, the public health agency said Wednesday. The total tallied... 10:11 Apr. 10 -
Celltrion's Herzuma market share reaches 10 pct in Europe
An affiliate of South Korean biopharmaceutical firm Celltrion Inc. said Wednesday that the market share of its biosimilar Herzuma reached 10 percent in Europe during the fourth quarter of last year. ... 09:24 Apr. 10 -
#pharmaceutical support
S. Korea to spend almost 500 bln won to build up pharma, bio industry in 2019
South Korea will spend some 480 billion won (US$418 million) this year to further build up its pharmaceutical and bio industry that can fuel exports and create jobs, the government said Tuesday. T... 17:12 Apr. 09
SEOUL, April 10 (Yonhap) – The number of measles cases
confirmed in South Korea reached 129 this year amid outbreaks in other
parts of the world, t...
By Kang Yoon-seung
SEOUL, March 26 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's government on Tuesday
announced the blueprint for the country's research and developme...
News Focus
S. Korea's space program opens new chapter with rocket engine launch, satellites
Samsung aims to overcome biz hurdles through 180 tln won investment
Naver's relinquishing of news editing first step to addressing opinion rigging concerns
(News Focus) All eyes on Samsung's stock split, impact on share value
Samsung's stock split move to make it possible for ordinary investors to buy-sell shares